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Ezekiel was a priest-prophet that began his ministry 35 years after Jeremiah’s began. Taken into exile in 597 BC, Ezekiel prophesied among the exiles living on the outskirts of Babylon. Ezekiel contains more prophetic dates than any other book of prophecy, and Ezekiel was also called to acts of prophetic symbolism more than any other prophet. He warns the Israelites that the destruction of the city of Jerusalem is coming, and that the Lord’s presence is about to depart from the temple, which would leave the people exposed to invasion from the Babylonians. Ezekiel’s message of divine judgment is certain and crushing. But once news was received that Jerusalem fell, Ezekiel’s message turns consoling, focusing on the Lord’s hope for his people, for them to experience revival, restoration, and a glorious future in the perfected kingdom of God. Ezekiel prophesies about the new covenant, and anticipates not only a time when the people would wake up and return to the Lord, but when God will finally reign in the new Heaven and Earth. Through Ezekiel we learn that from destruction to restoration, in both the death and life of his people, God will be given the glory he deserves. Listen as John unpacks this significant book for us today.

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