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Proverbs is an intensely practical book, focusing more on daily life than on deep theology. Written largely by Solomon, the book emphasizes the role of wisdom in life, especially as it pertains to living in the “fear of the Lord.” This includes a reverence for God, trust and commitment to him, and following the King’s design for human happiness and fulfillment within his creation. Wisdom is an attribute of God, and is personified throughout the book, hinting that wisdom is not merely an aspect of humanity, but is actually fully revealed in God himself (this becomes much more apparent when Jesus arrives on the scene). We would do well then to heed these literal “words to the wise,” and avoid the dangers also mentioned within the book. Listen as John highlights the wisdom that God has presented us in this important book, and how very relevant it is to our own lives.

©2023 by Scriptural Insights.

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